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Getting Log Files

Before starting, please make sure that the log filter is set to *:Info for better analyzation purposes. You can check the current log filter by going to Emulation -> Configure -> General -> Debug, under the Logging section.

  1. Launch the game that exhibits incorrect behaviour.

  2. Close out of yuzu once the game crashes, freezes or shows any kind of unwanted behaviour.

Note: After this step, yuzu needs to remain closed. Do not open the emulator until the rest of the steps are completed.

  1. Gathering the log files:
  • 3a. (Windows only) Navigate to %appdata%\yuzu\log\. A file called yuzu_log.txt should be present in the directory.

  • 3b. (Linux only) In the terminal, type echo $XDG_DATA_HOME. This command will print out the user-specific data directory. If nothing gets printed out, that means the directory hasn’t been changed and the log is present in ~/.local/share/yuzu/log. If something has been printed out, however, you should follow that directory instead and manually navigate to /yuzu/log there.

  1. (Optional) If the log file is larger than 8 MB and you are planning to upload the file to Discord, you’ll need to compress the file with a compression tool, such as 7-Zip.

  2. Once you have obtained the log file, upload it where you were asked to provide a log file by this guide. (Discord, Community Forums…)

You’re done!

